Contact Us

NaturoPlanet is an online store of natural remedies dedicated to offer PetAlive and Native Remedies products for Canadian and European customers, which are shipped from the USA.

* For the dosage and the list of ingredients, don't forget to look a little further down the page of each of the remedies to see the tabs ! *

Email me if you have any questions about choosing the ideal remedy for you or your companion, and I will be happy to answer them !

** If you placed an order, don't forget to tell me the number, thank you ! **

Note that I'm not naturopath nor a veterinarian, so I can't help you to diagnose you or your pet or discuss about the effets of the various ingregients. In fact, most of the time, knowing your or your pet's condition is essential to knowing which remedy will be the best choice. Also, reading the information about each remedy and the description of their ingredients (found in the tabs section under the remedy's description) will also help you to know which one will be ideal for your or your pet's situation.