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Mucus-Clear™ Jr. - Congestion pour enfants/bébés

Remède homéopathique pour soulager les nez bouchés, la congestion, le rhume et la grippe chez les enfants et les bébés


  • Soulage les nez bouchés et la congestion du mucus chez les bébés et les enfants.
  • Aide à réduire les symptômes associés au rhume et à la grippe.
  • Élimine l'excès de mucus de la gorge et des poumons.
  • Favorise une respiration claire et dégagée.
  • Remède homéopathique sûr et efficace sous forme de gouttes facile à administrer.
  • Un excellent complément à Mucus-Clear™ Jr Nighttime pour un sommeil réparateur - utilisez-en un le jour et l'autre la nuit !


Toute combinaison possible, s'applique à la caisse

Plus de détails

Due to
their developing immune system, children and babies often experience
repeated bouts of colds and flu. This can result in blocked noses, sore
throats, coughing, fever and general feelings of being unwell and out of
sorts. Respiratory infections are common, especially in children in
school and day care - with infections doing the round amongst
classmates! While these passing infections can actually help to
strengthen and build the immune system, managing the symptoms naturally
prevents secondary infection and eases discomfort, while promoting

Jr. is a homeopathic remedy for children and babies and is presented in
easy to administer dropper form, suitable for babies and children. This
homeopathic remedy helps to relieve congestion, fever, sore throats and
coughing and is safe and effective for children and babies alike.

Jr. can be used in the day time, while Mucus-Clear™ Jr. Nighttime can
be used at night for continued relief as well as peaceful sleep, helping
your child to recover faster!


How to use Mucus-Clear™ Jr. ?

Add drops
to a little water or juice. Homeopathic medicine is best used in a clean
mouth approximately 30 minutes before or after food. To remove the
alcohol, simply bring a quarter cup of water to a boil or near boil. Add
drops to near boiling water. Let cool to room temperature. Drink or add
water to juice. As electromagnetic waves can affect the efficacy of
homeopathic remedies, do not microwave or refrigerate water containing
the homeopathic solution.

Babies 6-12 months: 1 drop 3-5 times daily until symptoms subside.

Children 1-8 years: Take 1 drop per year of age 3-5 times daily until symptoms subside.

Children 9-14 years: 0.25 mL 3-5 times daily until symptoms subside.

Caution :  If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a health care professional. Keep this and all medicines from the reach of children.

Mucus-Clear™ Jr. is highly recommended with the following natural remedies for maximum effectiveness:

Mucus-Clear™ Jr. - Nighttime is a remedy that reduces phlegm,
mucus,  throat congestion and sleeplessness for children and babies.

How long until I see results?

People can differ widely in their response times to natural remedies
depending on individual makeup, lifestyle and diet. Some may experience a
general feeling of wellness within days, while for others it may take
longer before an effect is felt.

Often, as in the case of all good tonics, a gradual improvement is
felt over time. Best results are achieved when Mucus-Clear™ Jr. is used
consistently along with a healthy lifestyle.

How long does a bottle last?

One 2 fl oz bottle of Mucus-Clear™ Jr. will last approximately 45
days, depending on the amount taken, the age of the child and the
frequency of use.


Mucus-Clear™ Jr.  contains the following homeopathic ingredients:

  • Kali mur 6Cis often recommended for chronic mucus build
    up in the throat and lungs, as well as for nasal congestion. It can
    also be useful for blocked ears and ear ache.

  • Kali bic 6C is useful when there is throat congestion,
    as well as sinusitis and ‘glue ear'. It may relieve a sore throat and
    can reduce coughing due to congestion.

  • Kali carb 30C can be of great benefit for children who
    are adversely affected by the cold and draughts, as well as those who
    are exhausted and stressed. It can assist with lactose intolerance and

  • Allium cepa 6C is primarily prescribed to treat coughs
    and colds accompanied by runny noses that may be so severe that the skin
    around the nose becomes red, irritated and sore. Constant sneezing is
    common and eyes may also water and burn.

  • Ferrum phos 6C is useful for respiratory infections,
    coughs and sore throats, often accompanied by fever. It can also help to
    reduce earache and will help children to recover from infection.

  • Inactive Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, USP Purified water, raspberry and mixed berry natural flavors.

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