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Calculs rénaux Clear™

Le remède homéopathique aide à dissoudre et à éliminer les calculs rénaux


  • Dissout et élimine temporairement les calculs rénaux.
  • Soulage les douleurs aiguës et aiguës dans le bas du dos.
  • Soulage la transpiration, les nausées et les vomissements.
  • Apaise les douleurs et les sensations de brûlure lors de la miction.
  • Rétablit un écoulement urinaire facile.
  • Soutient la santé globale des reins et des voies urinaires.


Toute combinaison possible, s'applique à la caisse

Plus de détails

Stone Clear™ is a safe, non-addictive natural remedy containing 100%
homeopathic ingredients selected to temporarily dissolve and clear
kidney stones.

Stone Clear™ may be taken at the first sign of pain or discomfort, as it
works quickly to temporarily relieve pain in the flanks or lower back
and alleviate the symptoms of sweating, nausea and vomiting. This remedy
contains a selection of homeopathic ingredients known to support
overall kidney and urinary tract health, without side effects.

Possible kidney stone symptoms include sharp pain in the lower back and pain or burning sensations during urination.

Homeopathic Kidney Stone Clear™ is a great complementary remedy to herbal Kidney Dr.™.

Stone Clear™ is taken internally and presented in a convenient,
concentrated tincture formula. It is easy to ingest and hassle-free with
no artificial colors or preservatives.

All Native
Remedies® homeopathic products and biochemic tissue salts are
manufactured in a FDA-registered and cGMP-compliant pharmaceutical
facility under the supervision of qualified homeopaths and responsible
pharmacists. Individual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).


How to use Kidney Stone Clear™?

Dilute drops in 1/4 cup of water and sip slowly. If preferred, drops may be taken directly in the mouth.

For all ages: Take 0.50 mL up to every 2 hours until symptoms subside and 3 times daily for 3 days thereafter.

For additional kidney and urinary system support, try the herbal remedy Kidney Dr.™ .

homeopathic remedy can be taken 10 minutes after a meal, or 30 minutes
after brushing the teeth (since many toothpastes have strong flavors
such as mint).

Caution : Safety
during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not yet been established. If
symptoms persist or worsen, consult a health care professional. Keep out of reach of children.

Get optimum results with regular use..

Natural remedies strive to create holistic balance in the body to
support systemic health. The natural ingredients in our remedies support
overall health and functioning.

People respond to natural remedies in different ways. To ensure you
receive optimum results it is important to take natural remedies as
directed and remain consistent. You may also find that a smaller
maintenance amount is beneficial for ongoing support.

How long will a bottle last?

One 2 oz bottle of Kidney Stone Clear™ will last approximately 40
days. Exactly how long a bottle lasts will depend on the frequency of


Kidney Stone Clear™ contains the following homoepathic ingredient:

Belladonna 6C: cramp-like pains in the muscles and sphincters, discomfort in the hips and thighs.

Berberis vulgaris 6C: marked effect on the kidneys and bladder; discomfort in the region of the kidneys, frequent urination.

Calc carb 6C: pain as if sprained.

Cantharis 6C: difficult urination, pain in loins with need to urinate.

Lycopodium 6C: ache in the back before urinating, ceases after flow.

Inactive Ingredients: Purified water, USP grain alcohol (20% by volume).

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