Toute combinaison possible !

(veuillez ajouter les 3 bouteilles dans le panier)

Épilepsie (homéo)



  • La médecine homéopathique de premier ordre favorise le calme du système nerveux.
  • Réduit les mouvements musculaires involontaires et les contractions.
  • Réduit l'hypersensibilité du système nerveux.
  • Soulage les symptômes de fatigue, de faiblesse, de tremblements et de sensibilité au bruit.
  • Favorise un sommeil profond et réparateur, sans mauvais rêves.
  • Soulage l'apathie et l'humeur dépressive.
  • Et cela sans les effets secondaires typiques des médicaments contre l'épilepsie, tels que la somnolence et la prise de poids, c'est donc un gros plus !
  • Pour commencer, ce remède fonctionne en combinaison avec sa version à base de plantes. Chaque formule a ses avantages. L'homéopathie agit rapidement, en quelques jours, permettant de stabiliser l'état de votre compagnon tandis que le remède à base de plantes fait effet progressivement, ce qui peut prendre quelques semaines. Par la suite, certains animaux n’auront besoin que d’une des 2 formules, tandis que d’autres auront besoin des deux formules pour des résultats optimaux. Essayez-le (je commencerais par le 2) et au fil du temps, expérimentez pour voir quelle stratégie fonctionne le mieux. Vous avez besoin de 2 flacons de formule homéopathique pour 1 flacon de formule à base de plantes, qui fonctionne bien avec la promotion actuelle !


Toute combinaison possible, s'applique à la caisse

Plus de détails

EaseSure-M™ is an effective homeopathic medicine carefully formulated to
relieve the symptoms caused by an imbalance in the brain and nervous
system. This remedy contains only premium ingredients that are 100% safe
for your pets and is a non-addictive natural homeopathic remedy.

homeopathic medicine is specially formulated to reduce involuntarily
muscle movements and twitching and provides a quieting, sedative effect
on the nervous system. The ingredients are also known to relieve
tiredness, weakness, trembling, sensitivity to noise, listlessness and
depressed mood. EaseSure-M™ helps to reduce overall nervous system
hypersensitivity and it also promotes deep, calmed, restorative sleep.

is easy to administer, and the serving can be adjusted to suit pets of
all sizes. It is also an excellent companion to our herbal supplement
EaseSure™, which supports the health and balance of the nervous system.

PetAlive® homeopathic products are manufactured in a FDA-registered and
cGMP-compliant pharmaceutical facility under the supervision of
qualified homeopaths and responsible pharmacists. Individual ingredients
are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States


How do I use EaseSure-M™?

a dropper or syringe to administer into your dog's mouth, or mix into
its food or water, 2-3 times daily at the following dosage:

Cats and Dogs under 20 lbs: 4-6 drops.
Dogs 20-50 lbs: 0.25 mL.
Dogs over 50 lbs: 0.50 mL.
For acute symptoms, administer every 20-30 minutes as needed or until symptoms subside, up to 10 doses.

additional support, EaseSure-M™ can be used concurrently with
EaseSure™, our herbal supplement for brain and nervous system health in

EaseSure-M™ is a homeopathic remedy and is safe for animals of all ages. There are no known drug interactions.

If pet is pregnant or nursing, ask a health professional before use. If
symptoms persist or worsen, consult a health care professional. Keep
this and all medicines from the reach of children.

How long until I see results?

remedies strive to create holistic balance in the body to support
systemic health. The natural ingredients in our remedies support overall
health and functioning.

Pets respond to natural remedies in
different ways. To ensure your pet maintains optimum health, it is
important to administer natural remedies as directed and remain
consistent. You may also find that giving your pet a smaller maintenance
dose is beneficial for ongoing support. Many customers report using
them regularly as part of a maintenance program that supports continued
health and well-being of their beloved animals.

How long does one bottle last?

One 59 mL bottle of EaseSure-M™ will last for 24-40 days, depending on the needs of your pet.


EaseSure-M™ is 100% homeopathic, contains these HPUS
ingredients, and has the following indications (purposes):

  • Belladonna 30C:
    excited mental states, abnormal increase in sensitivity to stimuli of
    the senses (hyperaethenia), restless sleep, sudden onset of exhaustion
    or restlessness.
  • Cuprum metallicum 30C: spasmodic phenomena in both smooth and striated muscles, stupor.
  • Hyoscyamus niger 30C: mania, weakness and nervous agitation, involuntary muscular movements, shivering and tics, insomnia.
  • Kali phosphoricum 8X:
    extreme physical weakness or emotional exhaustion (prostaration),
    marked disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system, depressed mood,
    physical and mental tiredness.
  • Passiflora incarnata 2X: quieting effect on the nervous system, nervous system sedative.
  • Scutellaria lateriflora 2X: nervous sedative, nervous irritation and spasm, nervous weakness.
  • Inactive Ingredients: USP grain alcohol (20% by volume), purified water.

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