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Cushing (homéo)

Cushex Drops-M™


  • Les médicaments homéopathiques soulagent temporairement les symptômes d'une exposition prolongée au cortisol.
  • Favorise la santé des glandes surrénales et hypophysaires de votre animal.
  • Réduit la soif et la miction excessives.
  • Soulage la peau sèche et qui démange et favorise un pelage sain.
  • Favorise un appétit sain et une détoxification du système.


Toute combinaison possible, s'applique à la caisse

Plus de détails

Cushex Drops-M™ is a 100% safe and effective, non-addictive, natural
homeopathic medicine. Formulated by our team of experts in natural
medicine to encourage detoxification and relief from uncomfortable
symptoms in dogs and cats, Cushex Drops-M™ can help your pet naturally
mitigate the effects of long-term exposure to high levels of cortisol
without the risk of serious side effects.

Cushex Drops-M™ contains a unique and scientifically chosen selection
of homeopathic ingredients known for their beneficial effects on
promoting adrenal gland balance and digestive system health, along with
addressing symptoms commonly associated with Cushing's. It can be used
to help temporarily relieve excessive thirst and urination in cats and
dogs as well as promote healthy skin, a shiny coat, and more.

Cushex Drops-M™ is easy to administer, and the serving can be
adjusted to suit pets of all sizes. Cushex Drops-M™ is an excellent
companion to our herbal remedy, Cushex Drops-S™, a 100% herbal
supplement for supporting symptoms commonly associated with Cushing's
disease in dogs and cats.

To ensure the safety of Cushex Drops-M™ and provide the highest
quality, most effective product, all PetAlive® homeopathic medicines are
manufactured in a FDA-registered and cGMP-compliant pharmaceutical
facility under the supervision of qualified homeopaths and responsible
pharmacists. Individual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).

A holistic approach is the best way to contribute to your pet's
general health, and due to the vital importance of adrenal balance, it
is not surprising that natural remedies can provide support. Organ and
systemic support are the cornerstones of a holistic approach, and by
supporting your pet's adrenal health, the natural approach aims to
facilitate well-being across a number of body systems, thereby
encouraging wellness and vitality every day.


How to use Cushex Drops-M™?

Use a dropper to administer into your pet's mouth, or mix into its food or water.


Give 3 to 5 times a day the following dosage:

For all pets  : 0.5 ml

For acute symptoms:  Administer every 30 minutes as needed or until symptoms subside, or up to 48 hours.

Caution :
- Please consult your veterinarian to establish a diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome.

- Safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not yet been established.

- Not recommended for dogs with Addison's disease.

How long until I see results ?

Natural remedies strive to create holistic balance in the body to
support systemic health. The natural ingredients in our remedies support
overall health and functioning.

Pets respond to natural remedies in different ways. To ensure your
pet maintains optimum health, it is important to administer natural
remedies as directed and remain consistent. You may also find that
giving your pet a smaller maintenance dose is beneficial for ongoing
support. Many customers report using them regularly as part of a
maintenance program that supports continued health and well-being of
their beloved animals.

How long will the bottle last ?

A 59 ml bottle of Cushex Drops-M™ will last 24 - 40 days, depending on the needs of your pet.


Cushex Drops-M™ is a homeopathic remedy that contains the following therapeutic dose ingredients:

  • Adrenalinum 7C: isopathy, adrenal gland balance.
  • Arsenicum album 30C: excessive thirst, digestive
    upset including nausea, vomiting, sudden gastric pain (gastralgia) and
    dyspepsia, skin problems including itching, burning, dry, rough, scaly
  • Berberis vulgaris 3X: urinary disturbances, nausea and heartburn, hepatic drainage remedy.
  • Chelidonium majus 2X: acts mainly upon the whole
    digestive tract, including nausea and vomiting, jaundice skin due to
    hepatic and gall bladder obstruction, elective on the liver.
  • Hepar sulphuris calcareum 30C: discomfort in liver region, distended abdomen. Unhealthy skin.
  • Mercurius solubilis 30C: weak memory and loss of
    will power, vertigo, putrid belching (eructations), intense thirst,
    enlarged liver sore to touch, jaundice, digestive issues including
    entercolitis and stomatitis, gingivitis.
  • Pituitarum posterium 8C: isopathy.
  • Sulphur 30C: putrid belching (eructations), loss
    or excessive appetite, abdomen very sensitive to pressure, pain and
    soreness over liver, frequent urination (mictruration) and
    bed-wetting/uncontrolled urination (enuresis), skin problems including
    all kinds of eruptions, dry scaly unhealthy skin, itching (pruritis) and
    burning, skin problems feel worse scratching and washing, hepatic
  • Taraxacum officinale 2X: gastric headaches, bilious attacks and jaundice skin.
  • Inactive Ingredients: USP grain alcohol (20% by volume), purified water.

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