Toute combinaison possible !

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Le remède homéopathique aide à équilibrer le contrôle de l'appétit pour une perte de poids saine


  • Soulage temporairement la sensation de faim.
  • Soulage la faim excessive et la prise alimentaire.
  • Aide à supprimer l'appétit.
  • Soulage la sensation d'estomac vide.
  • Aide à maintenir l'équilibre dans les centres de contrôle de l'appétit du cerveau.
  • Réduit le désir de manger sous l'effet du stress et les fringales particulières.


Toute combinaison possible, s'applique à la caisse

Plus de détails

AppetiteGo™ is a safe, non-addictive, natural remedy containing 100%
homeopathic ingredients especially selected to temporarily relieve
feelings of hunger to help with healthy weight loss in children and

Formulated by our team of experts in natural medicine, AppetiteGo™ is
a FDA-listed OTC homeopathic remedy that helps maintain balance in the
appetite control centers of the brain to suppress appetite and feelings
of an empty stomach. AppetiteGo™ also supports the motivational and
emotional factors in losing weight without the risk of addiction and
other side effects.

AppetiteGo™ is taken internally and is a natural appetite suppressant
that restores the body's balance at a cellular level. Presented as a
taste-free medicine in a pure water base, AppetiteGo™ is easy to ingest
and hassle-free with no artificial colors or preservatives.

AppetiteGo™ is also a great complementary remedy to EcoSlim™ for
Balanced Metabolism, which naturally improves weight loss efforts and
supports a healthy metabolism.

All Native Remedies® homeopathic products and biochemic tissue salts
are manufactured in a FDA-registered and cGMP-compliant pharmaceutical
facility under the supervision of qualified homeopaths and responsible
pharmacists. Individual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic
Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).


How to use AppetiteGo™?

Before initial dose, depress pump 4-5 times or until primed. Hold
close to mouth and spray directly into mouth. Use 3 times daily. Use
additionally as needed or until symptoms improve.

Adults: Take 3 pump sprays.
Children 2-12: Take 2 pump sprays.

AppetiteGo™ is a homeopathic remedy and is safe for all ages. There are no known drug interactions.

Caution : If
pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a health professional before use. If
symptoms persist or worsen, consult a health care professional. Keep
this and all medicines from the reach of children. Avoid strong
mint-flavored candy, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the remedy.

How long until I see results ?

People can differ widely in their response times to natural remedies
depending on individual makeup, lifestyle and diet. Some may experience a
general feeling of wellness within days, while for others it may take
longer before an effect is felt.

Often, as in the case of all good tonics, a gradual improvement is
felt over time. Best results are achieved when HormoSlim™ is used
consistently along with a healthy lifestyle.

How long will a bottle last?

One bottle of MoodCalm™ will last approximately 60 days, depending on the amount taken and frequency of use.


AppetiteSlim™ contains these HPUS homeopathic ingredients in equal volumes of 10X, 30X, and LM1 potencies :

  • Adrenalinum helps to regulate the appetite and satiety
    as a neurotransmitter in the brain, acting as a "messenger" to stimulate
    body activities. As a circulating hormone, Adrenalinum stimulates
    lipolysis in adipose tissue and increases pulse rate and blood flow,
    increases muscular strength and endurance, and promotes an invigorated
    state of mind. It can also be used for temporary relief of increased
    appetite, apathy and lack of ambition, loss of strength, and belching
    after meals.

  • Agrimonia eupatoria flos is helpful for those who use
    food as a way of escaping or masking real feelings, as well as for those
    who tend to eat more when they are stressed.

  • Anacardium is a homeopathic remedy for relieving empty
    feelings in the stomach and for nervous stomachs or discomforts that are
    relieved by food. Anacardium is useful for individuals who experience
    weak digestion with fullness and bloating, slow bowels and irritability,
    and weakening of all senses. It's also helpful for those with an
    aversion to work and who may lack self-confidence.

  • Antimon crud is a specific remedy helpful for
    individuals who suffer from digestive disturbances and cracks in the
    corners of the mouth, and those who feel little to no satisfaction in
    what they do, leaving them feeling sulky and peevish with excessive
    irritability and fretfulness.

  • Calc carb is a homeopathic remedy used for people who
    have a tendency to gain weight. It's particularly helpful for large or
    swollen abdomens that are sensitive when tight clothing is worn,
    sluggish metabolisms and stomach cramps, and for individuals who crave
    eggs, salt or sweets, or who eat dirt, chalk, coal, pencils and other
    indigestible things. Calcarea carbonica is also beneficial for those who
    have an aversion to meat and boiled things, as well as aversions to
    work or exertion. This remedy helps those who suffer from forgetfulness,
    confusion, low spirits, stress and a persistent sour taste in the

  • Castanea sativa flos is a specific remedy for those who feel anguish, or when the body feels pushed to the limit.

  • Cortisone aceticum is indicated for fat and water
    retention. Cortisone is beneficial for individuals with a tendency
    toward being heavy with retention of water, dry skin and mucous
    membranes, pimples of the face, shoulders and back, diminished sexual
    desire, and/or restless legs.

  • Fucus aids digestion.

  • Hypothalamus is a whole glandular remedy containing
    homeopathic preparations of hormones which help water retention.
    Hypothalamus is indicated for those who are easily discouraged,
    indecisive and intellectually fatigued. As well as for disturbances of
    the appetite.

  • Kali bic is a homeopathic remedy especially indicated
    for those who are heavy, who feel as if digestion has slowed and/or
    cannot digest meat, and who dislike water. Kali bich relieves discomfort
    in the abdomen, and soreness in the right side.

  • Oleander is a homeopathic remedy for those who engage in hurried eating without having an appetite.

  • Pituitarum posterium contains homeopathic preparations
    of pituitary hormones involved in appetite and weight control as well as
    the regulation of thyroid hormone release. It stimulates muscular
    activity, regulates reabsorption of water at the kidneys, and reduces
    gallbladder problems, which are often linked with weight gain.
    Pituitarum posterium is also effective in relieving minor back pain and
    neck aches, night time stress, difficulty concentrating and obsessive

  • Sabadilla is a homeopathic remedy for relief of
    cravings for sweets and starches. It is particularly suited for people
    who tend to be nervous and who startle easily.

  • Staphysag decreases the desire for stimulants and
    relieves hunger even when the stomach is full. It is ideally suited for
    people who tend to bottle up their emotions, but who are sensitive to
    criticism and avoid confrontation, often feeling much anger and
    irritation inside, while appearing mild and relaxed on the outside.
    After prolonged suppression of emotions, such people often erupt in a
    fit of anger, which appears to be an overreaction to the situation which
    caused it.

  • Thyroidinum is a homeopathic formulation of a whole
    glandular preparation containing hormones, which act to increase the
    metabolic rate, enhance oxygen delivery, and increase the body's
    sensitivity to catecholamines. Thyroidinum provides a general regulation
    of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism through its influence over
    the organs of nutrition, growth and development. It provides temporary
    relief for metabolic problems, muscular weakness and sugar cravings.

  • Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purifed Water.

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