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AllergiClear™ (homéo)

Le remède homéopathique soulage les symptômes liés aux symptômes d'allergie


  • Soulage temporairement les symptômes, notamment les éternuements, la toux et les yeux rouges et larmoyants.
  • Premier médicament homéopathique pour les allergies.
  • Aide à assécher le mucus et à réduire la congestion.
  • Soulage les zones sèches et les démangeaisons pour favoriser l'intégrité de la peau.
  • Soulage les yeux rouges, gonflés et brûlants.
  • Apaise les maux de gorge irrités.
  • Soulage le nez qui coule et les yeux larmoyants.
  • Prend en charge la santé et le confort respiratoires à long terme.
  • Aide à équilibrer la réponse histaminique du corps au fil du temps.


Toute combinaison possible, s'applique à la caisse

Plus de détails

What is AllergiClear-M™?

AllergiClear-M™ is a safe,
non-addictive remedy containing 100% homeopathic ingredients selected to
temporarily relieve bothersome allergy symptoms such as sneezing,
coughing, irritated throat and red, irritated eyes.

Formulated by
our team of experts in natural medicine, AllergiClear-M™ is a non-habit
forming FDA-listed OTC homeopathic medicine that reduces mucus, skin and
eye irritation for fast-acting relief.

AllergiClear-M™ should be
taken when you see signs of runny nose, burning eyes, and scratchy
throat, as it will help dry up mucus and relieve symptoms, without the
risk of addiction, drowsiness and other side effects. AllergiClear-M™ is
also a great complementary remedy to our herbal supplement
AllergiClear™, for healthy sinuses, clear eyes and normal histamine

AllergiClear-M™ is taken internally and presented in a
convenient tincture formula. It is easy to ingest and hassle-free with
no artificial colors or preservatives.

All Native Remedies®
homeopathic products and biochemic tissue salts are manufactured in an
FDA-registered and cGMP-compliant facility under the supervision of
qualified homeopaths and responsible pharmacists. Individual ingredients
are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States


How to use AllergiClear-M™?

For all ages: Mix 0.50 mL in 1/4 cup of water and
sip slowly. Repeat 3-5 times daily. For acute symptoms, repeat every 30
minutes as needed until symptoms subside, or up to 48 hours. If
preferred, drops may be taken directly in the mouth.

For optimal support,
AllergiClear-M™ can be used concurrently with AllergiClear™, our herbal
supplement for healthy sinuses, clear eyes and normal histamine levels.
AllergiClear-M™ is a homeopathic medicine and is safe for all ages. There are no known drug interactions.

homeopathic medicine can be taken 10 minutes after a meal, or 30
minutes after brushing the teeth (since many toothpastes have strong
flavors such as mint).

Caution: If symptoms persist or worsen, a
healthcare professional should be consulted. If pregnant or
breastfeeding, ask a health professional before use. Keep this and all
medicines out of reach of children. Avoid strong mint-flavored candy, as
this may reduce the effectiveness of the remedy.

How long until I see results?

can differ widely in their response times to natural remedies depending
on individual makeup, lifestyle and diet. Some may experience a general
feeling of wellness within days, while for others it may take longer
before an effect is felt.

Often, as in the case of all good
tonics, a gradual improvement is felt over time. Best results are
achieved when they are used consistently along with a healthy lifestyle.

How long will a bottle last?

One bottle of AllergiClear-M™ will last approximately 24-40 days, depending on frequency of use.


AllergiClear-M™ contains the following homeopathic ingredients :

  • Adrenalinum 7C: isopathy, to reduce irritation.
  • Calcarea fluorica 8X: Glandular enlargement, with swollen tonsils and sore throat.
  • Calcarea phosphorica 8X: Copious offensive, thick, greenish lumpy yellow nasal catarrh. Secretions are generally yellow or green.
  • Euphrasia officinalis 4X:
    Affections of the mucous membranes especially eyes and nose. Redness of
    the conjunctiva and the cornea with a burning sensation in the eyes.
    Runny mucous and secretions. Coughing and expectoration.
  • Histaminum hydrochloricum 7C: Isopathy, to reduce the intercellular histamine.
  • Kali muriaticum 8X: Glandular swelling, with production of white, thick, viscous secretions which are difficult to expel.
  • Natrum muriaticum 8X: Runny nose, followed by stoppage and sneezing. Loss of smell and taste. Dry eruptions of the skin, which itch and burn.
  • Silicea 8X: Nose obstructed, with loss of smell. Cough and sore throat. Rose coloured blotches on the skin. Every injury suppurates.
  • Inactive Ingredients: Purified water, USP grain alcohol (20% by volume).

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